
frequently asked questions


How do I install/activate your plugins?
The instructions for each plugin are on the corresponding installation pages, so you should check them out first.
Generally, the installation process is as follows:
  • Use the command line installer, just put that one line into your terminal app (Terminal on OSX, PowerShell on Windows), and you are done :3
  • Or you can do the installation manually. Download the files for your specific OS version and copy the VST3 files into your system plugin folder:
    • Windows: C:/Program Files/Common Files/VST3/
    • OSX: Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST3/
    • Linux: ~/.vst3/
    and copy the CLAP files into:
    • Windows: C:/Program Files/Common Files/CLAP/
    • OSX: Library/Audio/Plug-ins/CLAP/
    • Linux: ~/.clap/
  • If you're an OSX user, you might have to disable Gatekeeper for my plugins to work.
  • Open your DAW and do a plugin rescan (depends on the DAW)
  • Open the plugin, and follow the activation instructions on screen (for paid products), which involves copying a license key you've got after purchase into a text field.
    • The license key will be shown to you and sent to your e-mail on purchase
    • You need an internet access for the initial activation
    • It's a simple license key activation, no dongles required
    • If for some reason text input doesn't work, copy the license key and press the 'paste' button to copy it into the field.
  • Enjoy :3
What DAWs/OSes/formats do you support?
My plugins should be supported in all DAWs that can work with VST3 or CLAP (the best plugin format ever) plugins.

Unfortunately some plugin formats are not supported, like AAX and VST2 (due to licensing issues).
AU is not supported for now, but I am working on providing AU2 versions of my plugins.

For now you can use a wrapper plugin to use my plugins in Logic/ProTools/any other DAW that doesn't support VST3. Element by Kushview is a free wrapper plugin. Check it out, it's really cool :3

Supported OSes are:
  • Windows 8+ (64 bit only)
  • OSX 10.8+
  • Linux (glibc 2.30+, 64 bit only)

Supported CPU architectures are: x86 and Arm/M1 (so most PCs, you shouldn't worry about it if you dont know what that means)
OpenGL 3.3+ is required. Most desktop PCs support it so it shouldn't be an issue.

If you have any issues with running the plugins on a supported OS/DAW/CPU, please reach out to me and report this to the issue tracker here and I'll take care of that.
I encountered a bug/crash/issue. Where do I report that?
Sorry for that . Please report this to the issue tracker here and I'll take care of that.
If its a crash, please attach the crash.log file you can find at:
  • Windows: C:/Users/%user%/AppData/Roaming/blepfx/
  • OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/blepfx/
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/blepfx/
Also it would help a lot if you add some additional information to the report, like what you were doing before the bug/crash happened.
I want to request a feature.
Feel free to make a request at the issue tracker here.
It's a bit hard to add new features once a plugin is released, so I might reject the proposal, sorry .
Why is your installer so weird?
I made a terminal based installer for 2 reasons:
I understand that it looks scary for some, so I also provide the .vst3/.clap files themselves on the install page.
I might make a proper installer for Windows/OSX later once I get all the codesigning stuff done.
Why does OSX not like your plugins?
Unfortunately, OSX is an extremely closed off and not friendly to indie developers platform.
The OSX's Gatekeeper doesn't like unsigned apps, and signing them would cost $99 a year, and the codesigning/notarizing process is complicated.

I had some issues with my Apple ID while trying to get my plugins codesigned and notarized by Apple, sorry about that :c
I'll try to fix that as soon as possible.
Where the plugin data/presets are stored?
All the plugin data is stored at:
  • Windows: C:/Users/%user%/AppData/Roaming/blepfx/
  • OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/blepfx/
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/blepfx/


I really want to buy a plugin but I don't have the money.
Feel free to torrent it :3
(but if you're gonna do it i'd appreciate if you helped me in a different way, like telling your friends about my plugins, that would help me a lot )
I want to refund a purchased plugin.
You can contact me here or any other way and we can get you a refund based on your specific circumstances.
What limitations do the demo versions have?
The demo versions have these limitations:
  • A limit of one instance per project
  • Inability to do offline rendering
Can I use a single license key on multiple machines?
Yes, as long as you don't abuse it you should be fine.
There are some activation limits but you are unlikely to trip them up unless you share the key with other people.

about me

Can you tell me more about yourself?
Hi, my name is Quant1um (sometimes blepmaid), I am a 21 year old software developer mostly interested in game development and digital signal processing :3
I've been experimenting with audio stuff for the past 3 or 4 years, and I have made my first plugin in 2022 (it was a simple distortion effect), I find audio programming really fun and exciting, and after a lot of tinkering and exploring the space of audio plugins I decided to start a little project called blepfx.
Why did you choose the name blepfx?
BLEP is a DSP algorithm for making antialiased oscillators. And it also sounds cute .

Honestly I just liked how it sounded and well I had to choose something, so I chose blepfx.
What do you use to make your plugins/website?
For making my plugins, I use Rust, a programming language that has saved me a lot of nerves, tears and development time. I use nih-plug, a really cool audio plugin framework by robbert-vdh.
The software I primarily use is VSCode and Inkscape for UI design.

As for the website, it is written in JS using Qwik framework. The website itself is hosted on Cloudflare Pages and I also use Cloudflare Workers for some of the internal stuff.
I want to chat/ask you something/send you a cute picture of a kitty.
Sure :3
Feel free to contact me on discord, you can find all the links to my socials on the home page.